Reading Response .24

Talofa Lava Everyone

So for reading this week we did another reading response. And it was about this story named Broken Wing it is a story about a bird called broken wing. And in this story there was a boy named Hew and he saw Broken Wing for the first time. He never knew that Broken Wing existed until now when he met Broken Wing. He was ecstatic when he saw the bird because the bird was guiding Hew’s grandpa to where all  the fish were. Hew was so amazed that the next day he went to the same place and did what the grandpa did. And then there came Broken Wing and then Hew fed the bird fish. And then after reading the story we had to do the reading response. Firstly we had to make a copy and then rename it. Secondly we had to add it to our reading folder which was in our drive. And then we had to do all of the slides that were on the reading response given to us. And then when we finished it we had to check it of the Mahi check list which is a tracking sheet to see what work we did. And that was all we did for reading and fro our reading response. If you would like to see my work it will be down here for you to see.

Thank you for reading my blog and remember to spread the gospel.

Nga Mihi  – Sala 🙂

Suspense Writing Beginnings .24

Talofa Lava Everyone

So this week we started writing. So for this activity our teacher gave us a slide to do and it was based around poems and how they begin. And we have worked on it for two weeks now. We call it suspense writing we have been doing this topic about suspense writing for two weeks as I mentioned before. So it is about a story called broken wing and it is about a bird called a broken wing. So we had to make up our own beginning and this is where the suspense comes in and shines. Here I will put my work that I have accomplished and I will change the setting so you can see it. And under my suspense writing will be my mood writing and then I will compare each other to see which one I like more. My favourite one is the suspense because I added more description and it sounds better. I liked how I used more better words that describe what I was doing and how. I think that my mood writing could have a little bit more description because I have used some words but I think that it could use some  more writing. And that is what I think is better and why so thank you and I want to thank. And also there is going to be a picture that AI has generated for me so it will also be down there for you to see. And I thank AI for the picture thank you AI we all appreciate the picture that you generated. Thank you.

The enormous beach was silent that sunset. The only sound was the wind and its presence.

The waves were crashing onto the sand just like the waves crashing onto each other.

Soft clouds enfolded like a person hugging you 

I can hear the laughter and giggles of my Vasa and mother from afar.

“Where are they going I want to go too ?” asked my Vasa.

This picture came from AI from a site called Adobe Firefly so I thank Firefly that you could do this for me and my class. If you would like to use it it is free so you can use it.

Thank you for reading my blog and I hope you have a good rest of your day and remember to spread the gospel.

Nga Mihi – Sala 🙂

Engineering .24

Talofa Lava Everyone

Today in the morning we did something a little bit different that we normally do. You probably know by now it is engineering we did this topic because some of the senior kids are going to this program and it is called S.T.E.A.M and this is a activity that helps kids learn more about engineering and how to become one and how it works. I was not picked to go but there will be a next time so of the students in this class go to this program. We were learning what they did because some of them have a website that they can log into and then they will have their learning intentions up there. We worked on this for quite a while and it was interesting to learn about because we get to do this activity it was an interesting thing to do. We learnt about three topics in engineering 1 Civil Engineering 2 Electrical Engineering 3 Environmental Engineering. If you would like to see my work it will be down here for you to see. I am sorry that it had to turn out like this but at least  you guys get to see it.

Sala’s Engineering (1)

Thank you for reading my blog I hope you have a good rest of your day and remember to spread the gospel.

Nga Mihi – Sala 🙂

Digital Footprint Cybersmart Challenge

Talofa Lava Everyone

Today we did something different in the afternoon. We did a cybersmart challenge and it was around a smart footprint which is called digital footprint. To do this activity we had to go onto our class site then we would go and then we would have to go onto the cybersmart page. After that we had to press onto the smart foot print page then it would take us there. But our teacher had something in store for us she already picked out three choices and we then had to pick one. The one that I chose was digital foot print it was about what we post on social media she teaches us what we should post and what we shouldn’t. Here are some examples of things we can’t post and what we can. Firstly we can’t post our address because if we do then people could come and rob your house and it is really  dangerous if you are famous because people could come and do something bad. Something good that we could share is our favourite colour and food and other things like that, that is our favourite thing. We had to go to our history and then we have to see if we have checked out these things that are in my slide and then we add them to a different slide each time. But if you like to see my work then it will be down here for you to see.

Thank you for reading my blog I hope you have a good rest of your day and remember to spread the gospel.

Nga Mihi  – Sala 🙂

Pie Chart Math .24

Talofa Lava Everyone

On Monday we got given these slides my table did Part 2 and every table got a different thing to do.  today we are blogging about how we liked it.  their was a Maths board on our class site.  the math  was easy because it was just adding the shapes to make a house or tree when you do it. there will be another one for you to do it will keep going until you leave the app.Room 9 Played this math Game on our class site.which I enjoyed the Game was really easy and I enjoyed it. I also  did prototec today but I forgot to take a photo of it. If you would like to see my work it will be down here for you to see.

Thank you for reading my blog post I hope you have a good rest of your day and remember to spread the gospel.

Nga Mihi – Sala 🙂

Reading Response .24

Talofa Lava Everyone

This week for reading we did a reading response so that we had something that we could work on when our teacher doesn’t have us. This is my reading response and I have finished it and now I am blogging about it. The one that I worked on was called Ambassador Clayton this  story was about this boy that was a nerd well he was called a nerd by his sister. He is the only person in the family that cares about the climate change and he will be attending the climate change summit and he will be presenting a speech for the climate change summit. He is supposed to go to his granny’s house because his mum told him so his mum is hard working and she likes the things that Clayton’s sister does. Both his mother and sister do not care about the climate change so when the sister went out for bowling with her friends Clayton went to the climate change summit but he was supposed to go to his granny’s. He gapped it which means he left and didn’t tell anyone so when he gapped it he went straight to the climate change summit. And that was it this is all we did for reading for our prefixes and suffixes. If you would like to see my work it will be down here for you to see.

Thank you for reading my blog I hope you have a good rest of your day and remember to spread the gospel.

Nga Mihi – Sala 🙂

Swimming Report .24

Talofa Lava Everyone

A few months or weeks ago we had gone to a swimming pool centre this place was called Massey pools. I have already done a blog post about when we were swimming. But just today we did our swimming report and this is where we talk about what we did and what we learned and the other stuff like that. This took the class weeks to work on because each week we had to write some different paragraphs and sometimes we would not even work on it. I have finished my report and now I am blogging about it so yes this is the last point because if I finish this blog I will be finished with all of my work and I want to finish all of my work. If you would like to see my work it will be down here for all of you guys to read and I am talking to the people that are reading my blog post. I am really sorry that it had to come out like this but at least it is here for you to see.


SPS Swimming Report (1)

Thank you for reading my blog post I hope you have a good rest of your day and remember to spread the gospel.

Nga Mihi – Sala 🙂

Self Assessment .24

Talofa Lava Everyone

This week we had to do a voice reading a book that we got given. Firstly we got given a book this book is the book that we had to do the activity about. It was based around Kiribati and here is a fact that I learnt today Kiribati is an island that is sinking. For this we had to do the activity and here are some things that we did What does the title tell us about the Kiribas? They are in danger, difficulty, and a huge problem What do you know about the island? They are sinking,a pacific island, and a small population. These are the first questions that we had to answer but our teacher was  doing it for us so we got a head start. The book was called Kiribas Crisis and this now explains why it was based around Kiribati. We had to record ourselves reading the first page and then we had to hear ourselves reading because if we have an issue then we would have to tick off the issue we have in reading. We ticked it off on a doc that our teacher created for us and we make a copy and then we would do what I just explained. If you would like to see my reading slides it will be down here for you to see and I know it is on a doc the one I am suppose to show you but I wanna show you my slides so it will be down here for you to see. 

Thank you for reading my blog I hope you have a good rest of your day and remember to spread the gospel.

Nga Mihi – Sala 🙂

Legend of Pukekiwiriki .24

Talofa Lava Everyone

Last week we did an activity that was around something that happened 200 years ago. It was a story about a legend of Pukekiwiriki when they had to fight another group of people. Firstly we had to do this activity on something and we had three choices to pick out. Our first choice was Canva our second choice was Storyboard and our last choice was a booklet. These were the options that we got to pick out and the last two I have never done or used before so I chose the one that I think sounded more interesting. I chose Storyboard because I felt like that was the one and it was the right one. Our teacher had to read the story to us and then we had to make sure that we know what the story is about and then we would have to make sure we got part of the story into the design app and then we would be done. But then she said we could team up and make part of the story and then that is what we did. My teammate is Noor Shahena who is Nurshina. If you would like I have a screenshot of my half and I will put it down here for all you guys to see.

Thank you for reading my blog I hope you have a good rest of your day and remember to spread the gospel.

Nga Mihi – Sala 🙂

PE – End Ball .24

Talofa Lava Everyone

This week for PE we did this game it was called End Ball. End Ball was a game where when you get the ball you have to pass it to your teammate. Everybody in your team has to have the ball and when they have the ball they can’t move otherwise if they move then they have to give the ball to the other team which is called a hand over. If your team doesn’t have the ball then you have to try and block the other team so that they can’t pass it to their teammate and when they can’t then they won’t get  a point. There will be someone that  is behind a lone and they have to catch the ball before the other team has time to block and pass to them. If the person that is the goalie they have to make sure to catch the ball if they don’t then they will not get a point. If it goes out then it will be the other team’s ball. That is how to play End Ball if you want to play this then these are some of the rules. My apologies because I can’t add the video onto my blog but I will next time.


Thank you for reading my blog I hope you have a good rest of your day and remember to spread the gospel.

Nga Mihi – Sala 🙂