Response to Text Week 4 .24

Talofa Lava Everyone

This week in reading we did read a book that was based around animals that live in a lake. After when we read it we have to do the slides that were called response to text. In a response to text we have some work that makes the story into an activity and to do that we had to complete it to move onto something else. The story was called At the lake and it has a poem called diamante poem It’s called a diamante poem because the poem is shaped in a diamond and it is also a poem and it is a nice and short one. Something I learnt from this activity is that what to and fro mean it means going back and forth in the same place. If you would like to see my work then it will be down here and I have completed it.

Thank you for reading my blog I hope you have a good rest of your day and don’t forget to spread the gospel. 🙂

Nga Mihi – Sala