Legend of Pukekiwiriki .24

Talofa Lava Everyone

Last week we did an activity that was around something that happened 200 years ago. It was a story about a legend of Pukekiwiriki when they had to fight another group of people. Firstly we had to do this activity on something and we had three choices to pick out. Our first choice was Canva our second choice was Storyboard and our last choice was a booklet. These were the options that we got to pick out and the last two I have never done or used before so I chose the one that I think sounded more interesting. I chose Storyboard because I felt like that was the one and it was the right one. Our teacher had to read the story to us and then we had to make sure that we know what the story is about and then we would have to make sure we got part of the story into the design app and then we would be done. But then she said we could team up and make part of the story and then that is what we did. My teammate is Noor Shahena who is Nurshina. If you would like I have a screenshot of my half and I will put it down here for all you guys to see.

Thank you for reading my blog I hope you have a good rest of your day and remember to spread the gospel.

Nga Mihi – Sala 🙂