Cybersmart Challenge Week 4 .24

Talofa Lava Everyone

This week on Wednesday we did a challenge that we had to do as a class but on our own. It was a Cybersmart challenge in this class we have not done a Cybersmart subject in a long time so it was fun to do something that we hadn’t done in a long time. To get to this site we needed our Cybersmart page that was on our classroom site Room 9 and then we went to our Cybersmart page. After you were in you would go and see a link that will say Focus: Smart Learning and if you press on it then it will take you to a website. And if you click on Smart Footprint and then at the top it will say Private VS Public or Digital and New Zealand Sign Language and the one that I had chosen was the Sign Language. Because I want to learn how to do my name in Sign Language and I did learn how to do my name in Sign Language and it is very easy because my name is short and it has four letters. If you would like to see my work it will be down here with a video.

 ( Click here to watch) Sign Language Video

Thank you for reading my blog and my apologies for this I tried getting this on with the video. But thank you for reading my blog and remember to spread the gospel.

Nga Mihi – Sala 🙂

Ponder T2 .24

Malo e Lelei

For this week’s ponder our class room 9 had to vote on what book we should read next to the class which the teacher will read to us. We  had different options of books to choose from and some of them were biographic books. For example there was a book that we could choose from called I survived and it s a book based on kids different troubles that kids have to face and how they escaped and these stories were actually real and what impact it had on their lives.  The book that is currently in the lead and we might be reading is a book called wonders and it has 7 votes in and one of the few votes was me. I picked this book because it looks very interesting and the information at the back tells the reader that it is a interesting story and it makes me want to read it that is why the reason I picked this book. If you would like to see the votes then here they are just look down below and you will see it.

Thank you for reading my blog and I hope you have a good rest of your day or week and take care and also make sure to spread the gospel. 🙂

Nga Mihi – Sala

Prefixes T2 2024

Talofa Lava Everyone

This week for our prefixes we did  something around on -bi and bi means two. For us to learn bi words we had to do something based around bi and we did work. The work was we had to match the bi word with the meaning but we had to guess about it and we made sure to do it because it was a choice of OUR opinion and what WE think it means. I think I got most of them right but that is my thought some people might have other opinions. I really enjoyed this activity because it makes us think and learn some new words that we probably did not know existed. One word that I learnt from this activity was biennial which means two years I never knew that there was another word for two years. It makes sense why it is a big word and why means two. If you would like to see my work it is down here and you can take a look and see if you can spot any word that you have never seen or heard before.

Thank you for reading my and I hope you have a good rest of your day or week and remember to spread the gospel 🙂

Nga Mihi – Sala

Prefix’s Week 1 T2 2024

Talofa Lava Everyone

This week from prefixes we had to  do something based on words that start with uni for example unicycle and we had to match it with the meaning of what it is or what it was. This activity was a bit of a challenge because some of the words are not in my understanding of my level. Some of this is really easy I really liked this activity because it helped me learn some words that I didn’t  know existed.

For me to do this activity I had to get some work and I got a Google drawing to work on. It was like a piece of cake because that was how easy  it was JK. If you want to see my work this is it and that was how I did my prefixes for this week. The picture is down below.


Thank you for reading my blog I hope you have a good rest of your day and make sure to spread the gospel.

Nga Mihi – Sala