Prefixes T2 2024

Talofa Lava Everyone

This week for our prefixes we did  something around on -bi and bi means two. For us to learn bi words we had to do something based around bi and we did work. The work was we had to match the bi word with the meaning but we had to guess about it and we made sure to do it because it was a choice of OUR opinion and what WE think it means. I think I got most of them right but that is my thought some people might have other opinions. I really enjoyed this activity because it makes us think and learn some new words that we probably did not know existed. One word that I learnt from this activity was biennial which means two years I never knew that there was another word for two years. It makes sense why it is a big word and why means two. If you would like to see my work it is down here and you can take a look and see if you can spot any word that you have never seen or heard before.

Thank you for reading my and I hope you have a good rest of your day or week and remember to spread the gospel 🙂

Nga Mihi – Sala

Goals for T2

Talofa Lava Everyone

This week we were writing on slides about our goals for next term which will be term 2. To do this we would have to think about what we need to do and what is something we need to do in our three main topics Reading, Writing and Maths. I was thinking about what I should do because I have a lot I need to do. But when I got the idea of what  should do I did it and know I have finished I really liked doing this activity and this was fun and hopefully next time I will beware of my story and what I put in there because sometimes I won’t even read back and check but yeah this was what we had to do.

Thank you for reading my blog I hope you have a good day