Prefix’s Week 1 T2 2024

Talofa Lava Everyone

This week from prefixes we had to  do something based on words that start with uni for example unicycle and we had to match it with the meaning of what it is or what it was. This activity was a bit of a challenge because some of the words are not in my understanding of my level. Some of this is really easy I really liked this activity because it helped me learn some words that I didn’t  know existed.

For me to do this activity I had to get some work and I got a Google drawing to work on. It was like a piece of cake because that was how easy  it was JK. If you want to see my work this is it and that was how I did my prefixes for this week. The picture is down below.


Thank you for reading my blog I hope you have a good rest of your day and make sure to spread the gospel.

Nga Mihi – Sala

Prefixes and Suffixes

Talofa Lava Everyone

This week we have been doing our Prefixes and Suffixes which were words that end with -able and to do this activity we would need to have a copy of the drawing. After we do that then we have to connect the meaning with the word and the word ends with able. When I first looked at this I was like I don’t know what this means. But after when I finished I got it very easily now I know what some of the words mean just a few not all.


Thank you for reading my blog have a good rest of your day

Prefixes T1 Week 10

Kia Ora Everyone

For our prefixes was to match the poly words with the right meaning. For this activity we had to use our common sense to figure out what word goes with the right saying. And to be honest I didn’t actually find it too hard for me I was struggling just a tiny bit then I got the hang of it then as I went through to look  I could see a couple that I hadn’t  knew so I typed it up and found up the meaning of it.  And that was all I did it was a fun thing to past the time because we all get different answers to different questions so I think that this was fun and we had to use our brains to think I really enjoyed this.

Thank you for reading my blog this was fun and I hope you have a great rest of your day and have a blessed week.