This week Room 9 had to create important moments in their lives. First in the first slide should have your title and then on the rest of the slides you do your whanau,me (you), friends,where you’re from and on the last slide should have your pepha. You have to add some pictures and some words if you want too. But on my slide there were no words on my slides except for my pepha I had a lot of pictures of me when I was young because I was an only child and I was spoiled with lots of love. I loved doing this important moments about me because I could share my life with Room 9.

Thank you for reading this I hope you have a great day.


2 thoughts on “Important moments throughout my life! Week 5

  1. Talofa Sala
    I enjoyed your blog very much!, it was very interesting, but I can’t help but say you might have done a little mistake on your spelling, maybe next time double check when you publish your blog, overall it was very interesting and nice!, I loved reading about you and your family, but that’s all I have to say, I hope you have good luck this year and have a great day! x
    Nga Mihi – Puavasa

  2. Kia Ora Sala
    How did you find looking back on your life, it always makes me grateful for many things and is a nice way to share those important moments with others. It has been wonderful getting to know you and making connections. It is wonderful to have other believers in our class.
    Kia pai tō rā, Have a nice day

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