Story line – Aki Fukuoka

Talofa Lava Everyone

Today we had a visitor come and visit us. She is an illustrator and she can draw anything but with description. Today she drew a student in Room 2 and got called up so that Aki could draw her and she did that drawing perfectly it was cool because she did it so quickly. And then she did the same to the other kid but it was a boy this time because last time she drew someone it was a she and now it is a boy. And some other things that she did was that she told us some of her series that she did and she also told us some of her most famous books. And after that she explained how she illustrated her books and how many times it took her to come up with one of her characters. And I will add some pictures of her and the drawing she made so fast. I would add the picture of her but I can’t because I do not know how to add it.


I hope you liked reading my blog and I hope you have a good rest of your day and remember to spread the gospel.

Nga Mihi – Sala 🙂