Report Writing KPMG .24

Talofa Lava Everyone

So this week I am blogging about my visit to KMPG building. And here are some people I met and here are some foods that we ate. And also my General Statement.

General Statement : The Senior School Edmund Hillary went on a visit to a colossal building called KPMG and they were very glad to have an opportunity like this. 

People that we meet from the infrastructure company :


Abby  (Water care helper )




Firstly Justine introduced herself to us so we can know that we can know about her. I knew who she was but I didn’t know her name but I had seen her before at our class events. I wanted to see the rest of the team members. And then there they came and then they introduced themselves to us. It was cool getting to know some of the members at KPMG because then I know some of the roles that they do at work. And then Justine let us do some other activities like exploring the building and then we got to eat and other activities like that. And that was all I got off from Justine. Another member of the team that I met was Steph. Steph was our tour guide and she showed us the floor where she worked. And then she took us around and then we went to the basement which is where they park their cars. She was very kind to us and she loved answering our questions.  She was very thoughtful of others around us because she liked a lot of things about her job. She wanted to show us more but then our time was running out so then we went back to the place where we all met. 

When we got there we prayed for the food and then we ate the flavorsome food. It was so delicious, like some good food. I really enjoyed the food. Here are some examples of the type of food we ate. Curly fries, Sushi, Scon, Whip cream, Chicken Tenders, Fruit kebabs and condiments. 

Thank you for reading my blog I hope you have a good rest of your day and remember to spread the gospel.

Nga Mihi – Sala