Swimming T2 .24

Talofa Lava Everyone

This week we have been going to a pool and swimming there and we have  also been learning about water safety. Firstly we had to go to a pool and we went to Massey pools and I have been there heaps of times. We had to group up with room 10 for this activity because there was no other time that room 10 could go with so they tagged along with us but I’m not too sure if I am  right or not. I really like swimming because of the way that it has different moves and different ways to swim It kind of relaxes me.  My favourite stroke in swimming is freestyle I could say that I am probably good at it. What I learnt throughout this week is probably that if you are trying to rescue someone one important thing is you always have to keep yourself away from the water because if you dive in you could get yourself in danger. How because you don’t know what’s in the water and if its a shark you could not end up with one dead or injured but two and that would be really bad so do not dive in unless you have been trained too.

Thank you for reading my blog I hope you have a good rest of your day or week and remember to spread the gospel around. 🙂

Nga Mihi – Sala

Ponder T2 .24

Malo e Lelei

For this week’s ponder our class room 9 had to vote on what book we should read next to the class which the teacher will read to us. We  had different options of books to choose from and some of them were biographic books. For example there was a book that we could choose from called I survived and it s a book based on kids different troubles that kids have to face and how they escaped and these stories were actually real and what impact it had on their lives.  The book that is currently in the lead and we might be reading is a book called wonders and it has 7 votes in and one of the few votes was me. I picked this book because it looks very interesting and the information at the back tells the reader that it is a interesting story and it makes me want to read it that is why the reason I picked this book. If you would like to see the votes then here they are just look down below and you will see it.

Thank you for reading my blog and I hope you have a good rest of your day or week and take care and also make sure to spread the gospel. 🙂

Nga Mihi – Sala

Prefixes T2 2024

Talofa Lava Everyone

This week for our prefixes we did  something around on -bi and bi means two. For us to learn bi words we had to do something based around bi and we did work. The work was we had to match the bi word with the meaning but we had to guess about it and we made sure to do it because it was a choice of OUR opinion and what WE think it means. I think I got most of them right but that is my thought some people might have other opinions. I really enjoyed this activity because it makes us think and learn some new words that we probably did not know existed. One word that I learnt from this activity was biennial which means two years I never knew that there was another word for two years. It makes sense why it is a big word and why means two. If you would like to see my work it is down here and you can take a look and see if you can spot any word that you have never seen or heard before.

Thank you for reading my and I hope you have a good rest of your day or week and remember to spread the gospel 🙂

Nga Mihi – Sala

Maths T2 2024

Talofa Lava Everyone

This week for math we were doing long multiplication and we had to make sure we understood. To understand we had to do some questions around long multiplication and I got all of them right because I knew how to do long multiplication. For this we started with four long times and we timed it by one number for example 1234 x 2 = 2468 and we continued with that. After that we moved onto the same thing but we had to times it by two digits. It helped me remember how to carry it because sometimes I forget how to carry it and it reminds me of what to do.


Thank you for reading my blog and having a good rest of your day, or week. And remember to spread the gospel.

Nga Mihi – Sala 🙂

Prefix’s Week 1 T2 2024

Talofa Lava Everyone

This week from prefixes we had to  do something based on words that start with uni for example unicycle and we had to match it with the meaning of what it is or what it was. This activity was a bit of a challenge because some of the words are not in my understanding of my level. Some of this is really easy I really liked this activity because it helped me learn some words that I didn’t  know existed.

For me to do this activity I had to get some work and I got a Google drawing to work on. It was like a piece of cake because that was how easy  it was JK. If you want to see my work this is it and that was how I did my prefixes for this week. The picture is down below.


Thank you for reading my blog I hope you have a good rest of your day and make sure to spread the gospel.

Nga Mihi – Sala

Idioms Week 1 T2 2024

Talofa Lava Everyone

This week I learnt more idioms and the saying and what it means to know I lot more than I used to. I learnt more idioms because my teacher assigned us some work around idioms and we had to do different idioms for every week. Then every week I learnt different idioms that’s how I know heaps of idioms but not too many.

Also this week we had an idiom that was not hard to do it was easy and it was from last term. I really like doing this activity it helps me to be funny but saying something different from what people expect me to say. If you would like to see my work this is here so just press on it and it will take you to my work.

Thank you for reading my blog and please have a good rest of your day and make sure to spread the gospel.

Nga Mihi – Sala 🙂

Tuhi Mai Tuhi Atu 2024 Team 15

Talofa Everyone

This week on Wednesday my teacher told us kids that different schools from NZ would be joining us for Tuhi Mai Tuhi Atu. When I heard that I was excited but nervous I was scared because I didn’t know how different people react to my blog but now I am a bit more confident.

Our teacher asked us the schools that were going to be commenting on our blogs and no one knew either of the schools so to know the schools we had to go on my maps. And then we had to search up each one of them and then we would go on Google maps to see what the school  would look like.

When I saw the schools I was okay with them commenting and reading our blogs because they look like a sensible school that is good at blogging. The blue point is Glen Innes school, The Green is Paroa school and the red one is Edmund Hillary School which is the school I attend.

Thank you for reading my blog and I hope you have a good rest of your day, also make sure to spread the gospel thank you.

Nga Mihi- Sala


Report T2 2024

Kia Ora Everyone

This week we had to do a Report writing about our water event. Before we did our report we needed to know what we put in a report and when our teacher asked the question to us and the classroom went from a chatting sound to a dead quiet classroom and you could probably heard a pin dropping. But then she came in with books that had what a report needs and then some people started answering the question. And this is what a report needs it needs a cause + why , Damage and the cost, Rescue , Rebuilding and lastly the prevention which is how can we prevent it from happening in the future. And that was all we did if you want to see them just click the link and it will take you to my work for my report and what it needs.


Thank you for reading my blog and have a good day and spread the gospel.

Nga Mihi- Sala

Maths DLO T2

Talofa Lava Everyone

This week we had to choose a workshop that we want to learn more about. I chose subtraction because I would like to learn more shortcuts cause I don’t know a lot of shortcuts in math. Firstly our teacher told us what we know about subtraction I told her what I thought subtraction was. Then we learnt what other words were from subtraction and then we wrote it in our books so we knew the other words for subtraction was. After we did an E.G (AKA Example )  we did different types of family of facts and family of facts are Addend + Addend = Sum and Sum – Addend = Addend. And then we wrote all of this to make a family of facts. This is my DLO just click and it will take you there.


Thank you for reading my blog and have a great rest of your day.

Nga Mihi – Sala


Goals for T2

Talofa Lava Everyone

This week we were writing on slides about our goals for next term which will be term 2. To do this we would have to think about what we need to do and what is something we need to do in our three main topics Reading, Writing and Maths. I was thinking about what I should do because I have a lot I need to do. But when I got the idea of what  should do I did it and know I have finished I really liked doing this activity and this was fun and hopefully next time I will beware of my story and what I put in there because sometimes I won’t even read back and check but yeah this was what we had to do.


Thank you for reading my blog I hope you have a good day