Talofa Lava Everyone

This week for reading guess what another reading response. So this story is called Frogs and it is about this boy named Tane and he has to get over a plank. Which is the car graveyard which is where if you  have a car that is broken or stuff like that then it will be there. And he faces a problem he finds the most extinct animal alive and it is a frog. In this story they are extinct and that is why he was so shocked. He was so happy that he tried to go home and then he had another problem. The wood that he crossed was gone he knew that it was the mutts and the mutts are a bad group of people. And then they tied him up to a car and then he was getting so hot and then he saw the frogs. As he saw them he was smiling while watching them swim around in the water. And that was what the story about and then after we read it we had to do the reading response. If you would like to see my work it will be down here for you to see.

Thank you for reading my blog and I hope you have a good rest of your day and remember to spread the gospel.

Nga Mihi – Sala 🙂

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