Idioms T2 Week 5 .24

Talofa Lava Everyone

This week we had to do our week 5 idioms and I have already done it some people haven’t done it yet. Week 4 idioms were based around bothering a person because all of the meaning was saying that like go away stop bothering me and stuff like that. Here are some examples of what we had to do Go fly a kite , Set your teeth on edge, But off, Get off my back, Go jump in the lake and Go climb a tree. This all was the words and we had to figure out which word fit with what word. I have done most of my idioms and now I am on week 8 but it’s only week 4 but it’s Friday. I really like this activity maybe you guys should try it but make sure you guys do this because of how fun and great this is. I recommended this and if you would like to see my work it will be down here for you guys to see.

Thank you for reading my blog and don’t forget to spread the gospel.

Nga Mihi – Sala 🙂

Cybersmart Challenge Week 4 .24

Talofa Lava Everyone

This week on Wednesday we did a challenge that we had to do as a class but on our own. It was a Cybersmart challenge in this class we have not done a Cybersmart subject in a long time so it was fun to do something that we hadn’t done in a long time. To get to this site we needed our Cybersmart page that was on our classroom site Room 9 and then we went to our Cybersmart page. After you were in you would go and see a link that will say Focus: Smart Learning and if you press on it then it will take you to a website. And if you click on Smart Footprint and then at the top it will say Private VS Public or Digital and New Zealand Sign Language and the one that I had chosen was the Sign Language. Because I want to learn how to do my name in Sign Language and I did learn how to do my name in Sign Language and it is very easy because my name is short and it has four letters. If you would like to see my work it will be down here with a video.

 ( Click here to watch) Sign Language Video

Thank you for reading my blog and my apologies for this I tried getting this on with the video. But thank you for reading my blog and remember to spread the gospel.

Nga Mihi – Sala 🙂

Reading responses – No water No Food

Talofa Lava Everyone

This week for reading we had to do a new reading response and it was about “No water No food”. It is a story about the Western China where they have had drought for 100 years. For this our teacher has assigned us with work which we call reading response is what we call it. Firstly we had to read the book to know what was happening  and what we needed to work on for the response. Secondly after reading the story you should know what happened in the story before making the response. The response is a task for what you read and explain what happens and the last slide comes in and it is the question (REV UP) and it’s the questions for the story I’ve read and answering it in the reading response for our task. This activity was fun to do I really enjoyed it because of how fun and we also get to learn what happens around the world. If you would like to see my work it will be down here for you to see.

Thank you for reading my blog and I hope you have a good rest of your day. Remember to spread the gospel.

Nga Mihi – Sala 🙂