Talofa Lava Everyone

Last week we were doing something around engineering we had to make slides about five different types of engineers. For my first one I did was chemical then the computer was also mechanical then my last is marine. I picked these because most of them I don’t know what they mean and what they do. But luckily for me to do this activity we had to research now I know what these people do my favourite one is  the computer it’s my favourite and least favourite. Because I get to work with a computer and it makes me kinda blind because it makes us look at a screen 24/7 and that was all I did for my work.


Thank you for reading my blog and have a good day


2 thoughts on “Engineering

  1. Kia ora Sala, My name is Makaina and Im from Paroa school in Greymouth. Nice punctuation. and what were the others like.

    By the way how are your eyes after staring at the computer 24/7. I’ve built a rocket for my engineering in year 5.

    I used a plastic bottle cardboard. And then the instructer Logan had a pump that would shoot the rocket in the air.

    It was very cool, Thank you for sharing your blog and have a good day.

    1. Talofa Lava Makaina

      Thank you for commenting on my blog and thank you for the heads up and me and my eyes are perfectly fine by the way and I liked reading how you made your rocket it was really interesting.

      Have a good rest of your day and spread the gospel 🙂

      Nga Mihi – Sala

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