Goals for T2

Talofa Lava Everyone

This week we were writing on slides about our goals for next term which will be term 2. To do this we would have to think about what we need to do and what is something we need to do in our three main topics Reading, Writing and Maths. I was thinking about what I should do because I have a lot I need to do. But when I got the idea of what  should do I did it and know I have finished I really liked doing this activity and this was fun and hopefully next time I will beware of my story and what I put in there because sometimes I won’t even read back and check but yeah this was what we had to do.


Thank you for reading my blog I hope you have a good day


Talofa Lava Everyone

Last week we were doing something around engineering we had to make slides about five different types of engineers. For my first one I did was chemical then the computer was also mechanical then my last is marine. I picked these because most of them I don’t know what they mean and what they do. But luckily for me to do this activity we had to research now I know what these people do my favourite one is  the computer it’s my favourite and least favourite. Because I get to work with a computer and it makes me kinda blind because it makes us look at a screen 24/7 and that was all I did for my work.


Thank you for reading my blog and have a good day


Prefixes and Suffixes

Talofa Lava Everyone

This week we have been doing our Prefixes and Suffixes which were words that end with -able and to do this activity we would need to have a copy of the drawing. After we do that then we have to connect the meaning with the word and the word ends with able. When I first looked at this I was like I don’t know what this means. But after when I finished I got it very easily now I know what some of the words mean just a few not all.


Thank you for reading my blog have a good rest of your day

Poem / Poetry

Talofa Lava Everyone

For the past week we have been doing an activity that includes poems because April is a month for poems and we have been doing something based on poems. First we had to pick a season and I picked my favourite season which was summer. I picked summer because we get school holidays and we get to have fun in summer instead of getting homework. Then we would have to make a copy of the poem and we chose Haiku this is a different type of poem that we did. To do a Haiku we need to have a five syllable sentence then a seven syllable sentence then a five syllable sentence again. Then that  is how we did a Haiku poem that was how we did a Haiku poem.

So thank you for reading my blog and have a good rest of your day.