
Talofa Everbody

This week we all had to do a ponder and this week the ponder was would you rather starve without water or would you die without food. Most of the class chose to survive on water and like 7 students chose food. But the correct choice was to survive on water because we all have 75% of water in our body and 25% in our body also. Then after we all got the choice to swap sides and only 2 students moved and the 5 stayed and for the ponder the side I was on was water because without  water our brains could turn into a rasin. And water develops the brain to work. And that was all for our ponder.

Thank you and I hope you have a great rest of your day

Kind Regards- Sala

Opera Week 7

Talofa Everyone

This week on Wednesday Room 9 was lucky to watch an opera and some other classes. They asked one person to go up and hand one of the characters and I took that opportunity and then when it was time I did it and I got a high five. Throughout the opera I saw that they could sing at a very high tune and I also liked it when Adrina realised that Nemorino was the one for her and I also liked it when Nemorino would get jealous. I really enjoyed the opera because it was my first ever time seeing a real Opera in real life it was a delight to have a time seeing the opera.

Thank you for reading and I hope you have a great Day

Kind Regards- Sala